“Manufacture of SOEC-type high-temperature electrolysers (ICTI-FEAT)“
SOFC, SOEC, High Temperature, Hydrogen, Additive Manufacturing, Industrial Scale-Up
Call for Scientific and Technological Initiatives in the public sector for the strengthening of R&D&I institutions and infrastructures
Project Aim
To develop a semi-industrial production line of 2 kW SOEC electrolysis systems for the generation of H2 at high temperature capable of operating in reversible mode while maintaining electrochemical performance in stack mode equivalent to that of the electrolyser mode. The action includes all the necessary stages: from the first phases of design, manufacture and characterisation of the components of a solid oxide cell to the integration of auxiliary systems with the stack and subsequent demonstration in operation. In turn, the CNH2 facilities, located in Puertollano (Ciudad Real), will be adapted to carry out these actions.
Funding Agency
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Centro de Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)
2.652.500 €
Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno