The annual programming of scientific-informative activities of the National Hydrogen Center is a strong commitment of the Center for bringing closer the hydrogen technologies to the society.
Nowadays, hydrogen continue being a great unknown for the majority of the society and for this reason, we want to perform a series of activities of diffusion and scientific divulgation of these technologies, with the purpose of achieving that hydrogen is considered as a real option of energetic and close future to the society.
The CNH2 considers of high interest the implementation of activities and actions of R&D, but equally important is to spread the results and to make aware to the society about the need of research, the development obtained and more specifically about the task of the CNH2 as an institution dedicated to support services for the scientific and industrial community and to show the advantages of the use of hydrogen. These activities of dissemination and development are mainly carried out by the Consultancy and Training Unit, and through projects such as DivulgaH2.