Open deadline: the “Hydrogen Technologies Course” presents its 4th edition

The Spanish National Hydrogen Centre (CNH2) has opened the registration period for the 4th edition of the “Hydrogen Technologies Course”, wich is aimed to all professionals interestd in learning about the possibilites that hydrogen offers as a useful energy carrier. This is an online course with a duration of 80 hours, and the deadline is September 26th.

This is a great opportunity to showcase the most important technologies for hydrogen production, storage and transformation. Issues such as regulations, safety and applications will also be addressed. In this last area, sustainable transport with fuel cells, a key pillar in the future of mobility, is of particular relevance.

The teaching staff of the course is made up of CNH2 researchers and scientists: Dr. Rocío Andújar Lapeña, Ms. Beatriz Nieto Calderón, Mr. José María Olavarrieta Téllez, Ms. Gema María Rodado Nieto, Dr. Jesús Rodríguez Ruíz, Ms. Vanesa Sendarrubias Carbonero and Mr. Javier Tobajas Blanco.
Students will have access to presentations, downloadable documents, case studies, evaluation exercises, complementary documentation, discussion forums and personalised attention for resolving doubts.

Once the course has been completed, and after passing the assessment tests and practical cases, an academic certificate will be awarded accrediting the acquisition of knowledge and technical and practical training. The graduate will acquire a knowledge base that will enable them to work in companies and technology or research centres, provided that they are directly or indirectly related to hydrogen and fuel cells.

You can register for the course through the following link, where you will also find all the detailed information. The number of places is limited, so we recommend that those interested register as soon as possible.