“Intelligent Decarbonized and Low Emissions Power Generation (IDEAL)”
Period Time
Call for R&D&I Projects – Research Challenges 2019
Project Aim
The main objective of the IDEAL project is to facilitate the penetration of renewable energies in sectors for which electricity is not currently the form of energy at the point of end use and cannot take advantage of the great potential of CO2 reduction of the electricity generated using green energy sources. This proyect involves the following subprojects:
- Experimental and numerical study of hydrogen and hydrogen-derived fuels combustion and safety
- Hydrogen and green fuels in carbon-reduced heat and power sources: analysis of the production by reforming, flame dynamics and ignition safety issues.
- Strategies and Safety in Carbon-Reduced power generation
- Optimal structure of catalytic layers in hydrogen PEM fuel cells and modelling of reaction-diffusion effects in hydrogen flames
5 cm2 and 49cm2 active area MEAs based on Pt-Ru/C and commercial GDLs will be developed by CNH2 researchers.
Funding Agency
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Integrated in UNED’s budget