Our hydrogen storage and distribution area is intended to develop hydrogen storage technologies, particularly with regards to compressed hydrogen, chemical storage systems (hydrides) and Power-to-X systems.
Within this area of research, we already have infrastructure and equipment that are capable of undergoing different tests in regards to current European regulations in force concerning the storage of hydrogen, thereby supporting the light container sector in particular that produce composite tanks (type III and IV) capable of reaching pressures of up to 1,100 bar. Below are some of the tests that may be carried out:
- Hydraulic tests.
- Water tightness tests with hydrogen and helium up to 700 bar. Permeability tests.
- Analysis using phase-array ultrasonics testing
- Behaviour tests on escalated materials for hydrogen storage in autoclave reactors up to 100ml.
Our storage and distribution areas comprise a multi skilled team with wide experience in the design and integration of hydrogen storage systems. They offer engineering and technical advice services to both companies and investigation centres. In addition to the above, the CHN2 is also actively involved in research projects on the implementation of Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Liquid systems that use hydrogen as the energy storage carrier.
On the other hand, CNH2 is also able to store around 2,000nm³ of hydrogen at different pressures, both for laboratory supply as well as to provide services to hydrogen stations for 350 bar vehicle fuelling.
Laboratories related to storage and distribution of hydrogen

H2 Storage Laboratory