PPEs fabrication against COVID-19 from recycled material (REPAIR)
3D printing, individual projection equipment, recycling, circular economy, revaluation, fab-lab
Funding Agency
Excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Ciudad Real
File Number: DPCR2021/14736
Project Aim
Promote the creation of a community network for obtaining 3D printing filaments (which allows the manufacture of PPE or other parts and components), encouraging the involvement of the public as dynamic agents of the network.
CNH2 Tasks
- Recycling of materials. These materials are thermoplastic waste of different natures and origins which are subjected to a process using physical-chemical methods to obtain raw material in the form of 3D filament.
- Manufacture of PPEs or other parts and components. From the 3D filament obtained, any PPE, part or component required in the different sections of the CNH2, as well as in the company, can be manufactured by 3D printing.
- Material supply. Provision of the CNH2 for the recovery of waste from users interested in obtaining 3D filament, through the previous tasks.
- Dissemination and accessibility to the new technology. The aim is to continuously disseminate the different technologies used in the process, as well as to offer access to the facilities to external personnel to carry out the complete process and promote the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.
Period Time