Project Implementation based on Oxide Solid Systems
Period Time
Project Aim
Fabrication of reversible solid oxide technologies systems and its peripherals. The main goal of the project will deal with the development of reversible solid oxide fuel cells of different geometries. After that, the project will focus on the scale up of the fuel cells fabrication processes for integration of small power systems into real applications. During the development of this project, solid oxide lab is available to collaborate with researchers and companies which work on related areas.
Solid oxide, reversible systems, fuel cell, electrolysis, scale-up, geometry design.
Funding received
28.000 €
Funding Agency
Co-Funded project by
PhD. Roberto Campana Prada
Main Researcher
Phone: +34 926 420 682 – Ext. 130
Wain-Martín, A. Morán-Ruiz, M.A. Laguna-Bercero, R. Campana, A. Larrañaga, P. Raimond Slater, M.I. Arriortua; “SOFC cathodic layers using wet powder spraying technique with self synthesized nanopowders”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
L. Deleebeeck, V. Gil, D. Ippolito, R. Campana, K.K. Hassen, P. Holtappels. “Direct Coal Oxidation in Modified Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164, F333-F337. February 2017.
L. Deleebeeck, V. Gil, D. Ippolito, R. Campana, K. Kammer y P. Holtappels. “Direct Coal Oxidation in Modified Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fuel Compatibility and Alternative Fuels”. ECS Transactions 68(1) (2015) 2658-2694. July, 2015.
“Electro-atomización de capas catalíticas para PEMFC con baja y ultra baja carga de platino”. R. Campana, C. Herradón, G. Sevilla, J. Rodríguez, L. González. VI Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia y I Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, Ciudad Real (Spain). June 2017.
“Moldeado con impresión 3D para la fabricación de piezas cerámicas y metálicas de geometrías complejas”. R. Campana, I. Gabriel, C. Merino, J.M. González, C. Berges, G. Larraz, G. Herranz, J. Rodríguez. VI Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia y I Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, Ciudad Real (Spain). June 2017.
“Síntesis de micro/nano fibras por electrohilado para aplicaciones energéticas”. R. Capana, G. Sevilla, C. Herradón, A. Larrañaga, J. Rodríguez. VI Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia y I Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, Ciudad Real (Spain). June 2017.
“Electrochemical and degradation behaviour study of different SOFC compounds”. A. Wain-Martin, K. Vidal, A. Larrañaga, J. Rodríguez, M.A. Laguna-Bercero, R. Campana y M.I. Arriortua. VI Congreso Nacional de Pulvimetalurgia y I Congreso Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia, Ciudad Real (Spain). June 2017.
“Laboratorio de Tecnología de Óxido Sólido del CNH2”. R. Campana, J. Rodríguez, G. Sevilla, L. Rodríguez. IBERCONAPPICE 2016. Torremolinos (Spain), April 2016.
“Direct Coal Oxidation in Modified Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Fuel Compatibility and Alternative Fuels. L. Deleebeeck, V. Gil, R. Campana, K. Kammer, P. Holtappels. ECS 2015. Glasgow (United Kingdom), July 2015.
“Fuel flexibility in Direct Carbon Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”. R. Campana. HYCELTEC 2015. Tenerife (Spain), July2015.
“High performance microtubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells for portable applications”. R. Campana. European Hydrogen Energy Conference 2014 (EHEC 2014). Sevilla (Spain), March 2014.
Tutoring works
Final year project: “FABBRICAZIONE E CARATTERIZZAZIONE DI DIAFRAMMI CERAMICI PER LA PRODUZIONE DI IDROGENO MEDIANTE L’ELETTROLISI ALCALINA DELL’ACQUA” (2015). Student: Mis. Julia Cois; Academic Supervisors: PhD. Jesús Rodríguez (CNH2), PhD. Roberto Campana, PhD. Simonetta Palmas (University of Calgary).
Participación del CNH2 en el VI Congreso Nacional y I Iberoamericano de Pulvimetalurgia.
El CNH2 presenta sus nuevos laboratorios en IBERCONAPPICE 2016.
El CNH2 mostrará sus trabajos en el XI Congreso HYPOTHESIS 2015.
El CNH2 participa en el Congreso Iberoamericano HYCELTEC 2015.
La AeH2 organiza el Congreso Europeo del Hidrógeno EHEC 2014.