“GREEN HYSLAND – Deployment of a H2 Ecosystem on the Island of Mallorca”
Green hydrogen, decarbonization, photovoltaic, ecosystem, energy island
Financiación Recibida
H2020, Hydrogen Europe, Hydrogen Europe Research
FCH 2 JU Call for Proposals 2020; H2020-JTI-FCH-2020-1; topic FCH-03-2-2020: Decarbonising islands using renewable energies and hydrogen – H2 Islands
Funding Agency
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH2 JU)
File Number: GA: 101007201
Project Aim
GREEN HYSLAND aims to deploy a fully-functioning Hydrogen (H2) ecosystem in the island of Mallorca, Spain, turning the island into the first H2 hub in Southern Europe. This will be achieved by producing green hydrogen from solar energy and delivering it to the end users, such as the island’s tourism, transport, industry and energy sectors, including gas grid injection for green heat and power local end-use. The development of replication experiences and business models are foreseen in five other EU islands (Madeira – PT, Tenerife – ES, Aran – IE, Greek Islands and Ameland – NL) and beyond (Chile and Morocco)
Tasks (CNH2)
CNH2 works in WP5 (“Creation and Analysis of Impact and Development of Business Models”). In this WP, partners will evaluate the impact of deployment of H2 technologies at regional level (Mallorca and Balearic islands) at technical, economic, energetic, environmental, regulatory and socioeconomic levels. CNH2 will use up-to-date LCA methodologies to understand and quantify the life-cycle environmental performance of all technologies and process chains deployed in the project. This assessment will be used to guide the development of the project through key environmental performance indicators. Also, CNH2 participates in WP6, (“Scaling up and Replication of Hydrogen islands ecosystems across the EU”), and WP7 (“Communication, Dissemination & Exploitation”). The main objective of WP7 is increasing impact through activities of communication, dissemination and exploitation of project’s results. Education, training and capacity building are considered of key importance at communication level, to raise awareness of the main aspects of GREEN HYSLAND project. During the development and roll-out of the planned activities of the project, CNH2 and other partners, with support from local partners, will develop specific needs on technical training and educational knowledge.
Period Time
ACCIONA Energía, AeH2, Ameland, AREAM, Ajuntament de Lloseta, AHMYD, Autoridad Portuaria de Baleares, Balearia, Calvera, CEA, CNH2, COTENAVAL, DAFNI, EMEC, EMT, Enagás, Enagás renovable, ENERCY, Energy Co-operatives Ireland, FEDARENE Fundación para el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías del hidrógeno en Aragón, Gasnam neutral transport, HYE, H2 Chile, HyCologne, HyEnergy Transstore BV, Institut Balear de l´Energia, Ports de Balears; Power to Green Hydrogen Mallorca, Redexis, Universidad de La Laguna, New Energy Coalition, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Universitiy of Galway.