The Spanish National Hydrogen Centre develops a transportable hydrogen refuelling station for trains


The Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS) developed by the Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno (CNH2) is the first transportable hydrogen refuelling solution to be successfully operated for railway vehicles in Spain.

The HRS prototype has refuelled the first bi-mode demonstrator train that has travelled Spanish and Portuguese railway lines as part of the FCH2RAIL Project, and is shown in this video.

The Spanish National Hydrogen Centre (CNH2) has developed an innovative Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS) prototype, and has been used it  in three different locations as part of the FCH2RAIL Project. The HRS is modular, so it can work on different configurations depending on the needs to be met; and portable, so it can be easily transported. The HRS comprises four 20-foot containers:

– A compressor container, in which hydrogen supplied from a truck is compressed to 450, 500, and 900 bars.

– Two storage containers.

– A dispenser.

The success of these demonstration tests confirms and reinforces the commitment of the partners of the consortium. The knowledge developed within the project, including that derived from the operation of this innovative refuelling station, will make the FCH2RAIL Project a reference for the present and future of the railway sector.

The FCH2RAIL Project has received funding from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership under Grant Agreement No 101006633. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the

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